Children’s Parliament

What did we do

Several smaller Children’s Parliaments all around Slovenia and one national meeting of Children’s Parliament

Unfortunately we have one page for Children’s Parliaments only in Slovenian language (which is a tab inside our organization ‘s website):
Here is an article in English from our last years experience of running 30th national Children’s Parliament:

Contact: Petra Zega, Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth (

The place is called:

Several cities and Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia




Add other important experiences or identities

but mostly none of the above


LocalBetter awarenessNational8-12Living in Poverty13-15IMPACTDisabled


What do you try to change?

We want to achieve the change firstly with children themselves. They need to know that their opinions are considered, that their thinking matters. This reassurance and encouragement is still needed in certain groups of children.  They need to know that their opinions are considered important. Our next plan is to hand over the conclusions of the children’s discussions to the decision-makers and then ask them for feedback on whether any of the conclusions are feasible or if not, why not.

  • evidence

    What are your recommendations or calls to action?

    Children enjoy meeting with other children and discussing a topic that concerns them. They gain new friendships. We would suggest motivating children for participation, especially those from underprivileged families, minorities, Roma children, etc. Their inclusion is much more difficult as it seems at first glance. We have to do more on including these groups of children.
  • advice

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