Category: Disabled

EnglandCare ExperiencedLiving in PovertyNational8-12Connect with people13-15WalesRoma or Traveller15-18ADVICETake actionBetter law or policyInternational18-25Review or inspectionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal Justice

Talking to Stakeholders


How to get your messages across to the people who may be able to help

Connect with peopleBetter awarenessRegional13-15Roma or TravellerEducationEuropeDisabledParticipation for Change

Open Schools Programme


Advice on children’s participation and increasing impact Create a space for children to come up with ideas Create something together so that children take ownership knowing …

Regional13-15Better communityRoma or TravellerEducationEuropeParticipation for ChangeDisabled

Open Schools Programme


What impact did you want to achieve? The Open Schools programme, prepares and support the school community to gradually change the atmosphere at the school through …

Regional13-15EducationRoma or TravellerEuropeParticipation for ChangeDisabled

Open Schools Programme


What do we do? The Open Schools programme aims to promote a democratic environment in schools and citizenship education through peer education and the work of pupil school …

Care ExperiencedConnect with peopleIdentify issues13-15European15-18Roma or TravellerAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeDisabled

Child Rights Centre – DX Club


Advice on children’s participation Roma children and refugee children, who are members of  School Parliaments are active DX club members – the opinions of these marginalised …

Care ExperiencedBetter awareness13-15European15-18Roma or TravellerBetter law or policyAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeDisabled

Child Rights Centre – DX Club


What changes did you achieve? Child Rights Centre makes children’s opinions heard and respected – for example more than 400 children participated in the preparation of …

Care Experienced13-15Regional15-18Roma or TravellerAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeDisabledParticipation for Change

Child Rights Centre – DX Club


What do we do? Children’s Information and Cultural Centre – DX Club, founded in 1997 as part of the Child Rights Centre, gathers children and youth 12-18 years …

LocalThe bulgarian for H&WEnglandCare ExperiencedNationalConnect with peopleLiving in PovertyBetter awareness13-15Living with Violence15-18EducationRoma or Traveller18-25Take actionBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeYoung CarerDisabledParticipation for ChangeContact with Criminal JusticeEqualityLGBTQILeisure

Stories 2 Connect


Stories 2 Connect was a research project that we ran to find out people’s stories. We did lots of interviews with people. We added people’s stories together as fiction. And we made them come alive in a phygital way (in digital objects). See

LocalCare ExperiencedLiving in PovertyIdentify issuesBetter serviceIMPACT15-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabled

Youth Innovation Project Lead


What did we do

I run a Youth Innnovation Project at Citizens Advice Redbridge, which aims to increase access to advice for young people (particularly those who are vulnerable) in Redbridge.

Contact: Imogen Edge, Citizens Advice Redbridge (

The place is called:





LocalCare ExperiencedLiving in Poverty15-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabledParticipation for Change

Youth Innovation Project Lead


What did we do

I run a Youth Innnovation Project at Citizens Advice Redbridge, which aims to increase access to advice for young people (particularly those who are vulnerable) in Redbridge.

Contact: Imogen Edge, Citizens Advice Redbridge (

The place is called:



