Who we are
These are some of the groups starting to get involved with UC=MC2. Get in touch to add your details and become more involved.
is a young research group for 10 to 25 year olds. Our group was set up in 2012. After working together with with The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation at the University of Central Lancashire on a research project, we decided we wanted to stay involved and develop our own research. Since then we have started and carried out lots of different research projects. We also write about the work we do and have created films. We have created this website so that other children and young people involved in research can share evidence, advice, and try to work together to make a difference through research and social action.
is an international network for young disabled researchers started by UCan with some help from AHRC funding.
Members can now REGISTER or LOG IN here to share resources and try out the discussion area.
They are working with academics Deborah Crook, Zoe O’Riordan and Cath Larkins to reach out to other young disabled groups across the world to find ways to share how to do collaborative research and build projects. They formed a steering group with RIP:STARs, who are another very experienced group of young disabled researchers aged 17-25 from Coventry. They work with academics Anita Franklin and Geraldine Brady. Through this steering group, they are working with Sally Robinson in Australia and Hiroko Koizumi in Japan to get new groups involved. They hope that by sharing their projects and ideas other groups will be able to join in soon too. Our first big event will be 11-13th April 2024.
is a young researcher network. The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation at the University of Central Lancashire is our learning partner. We are cocreating learning about peer research and we are sharing our advice on this website. Some graduates of the first PAC programme are now part of the editorial board.
Barnardos is a UK charity working with children, young people and families. Some projects and groups are involved in research. They support the UCan young researcher group.