Category: Living in Poverty

Care ExperiencedEnglandBetter awareness8-12Living in PovertyRegionalBlack, Asian or Minority Ethnic

Listening to young people’s views of the coast: Living Coast Youth Voice


Local organisations have really listened to what we are saying and Nature England have told us that this is helping them think about how to involve …

EnglandCare Experienced8-12Living in PovertyRegionalInvestigateBlack, Asian or Minority Ethnic

Listening to young people’s views of the coast: Living Coast Youth Voice


To help us think about being by the sea we brought sand, seaweed and twigs into youth groups and classrooms. And we made drawings to show …

EnglandCare ExperiencedLiving in Poverty8-12RegionalBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicThe EarthSafe EnvironmentParticipation for Change

Living Coast Youth Voice


We found out that there are a lot of things that stop children and young people from being out enjoying themselves by the sea. Sometimes adults …

Care ExperiencedConnect with peopleNational8-12Living in PovertyLiving with ViolenceIdentify issues13-15InvestigateBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabledLGBTQI

Review Of Professional Standards For Teaching (Scotland)


What did we do

In 2017-18 Children in Scotland worked with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) on The Review Of the Professional Standards for teachers, specifically the section on Values.
The GTCS wanted to put the experiences and views of children and young people at the centre of its review and commissioned us to conduct engagement work with children and young people.

Contact: Elaine Kerridge, Children In Scotland (

The place is called:





Care ExperiencedLiving in PovertyNational8-12Living with Violence13-15EducationBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabledLGBTQI

Review Of Professional Standards For Teaching (Scotland)


What did we do

In 2017-18 Children in Scotland worked with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) on The Review Of the Professional Standards for teachers, specifically the section on Values.
The GTCS wanted to put the experiences and views of children and young people at the centre of its review and commissioned us to conduct engagement work with children and young people.

Contact: Elaine Kerridge, Children In Scotland (

The place is called:





Care ExperiencedNational8-12Living in PovertyBetter awarenessBetter service13-15Living with ViolenceBetter law or policyBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabledLGBTQI

Review Of Professional Standards For Teaching (Scotland)


What did we do

In 2017-18 Children in Scotland worked with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) on The Review Of the Professional Standards for teachers, specifically the section on Values.
The GTCS wanted to put the experiences and views of children and young people at the centre of its review and commissioned us to conduct engagement work with children and young people.

Contact: Elaine Kerridge, Children In Scotland (

The place is called:





Under 8Care ExperiencedNational8-12Living in Poverty13-15Living with Violence15-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabledLGBTQI

The Second Child Rights Report


What did we do

A participatory project in which almost 3000 children all over Germany as experts shared their opinions, views and evaluation of whether their rights are being respected in their every-day lives. The final report included survey results, many child-led individual projects, drawings and conversations from children in nurseries and was part of the official reporting to the United Nations. (English Report can be found there)

Contact: Jonas Deitert, National Coalition Germany (

The place is called:





Under 8Care ExperiencedLiving in PovertyNational8-12Living with Violence13-1515-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabledLGBTQIOther

The Second Child Rights Report


What did we do

A participatory project in which almost 3000 children all over Germany as experts shared their opinions, views and evaluation of whether their rights are being respected in their every-day lives. The final report included survey results, many child-led individual projects, drawings and conversations from children in nurseries and was part of the official reporting to the United Nations. (English Report can be found there)

Contact: Jonas Deitert, National Coalition Germany (

The place is called:





Under 8Care Experienced8-12Living in PovertyBetter awarenessNational13-15Living with Violence15-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabledLGBTQI

The Second Child Rights Report


What did we do

A participatory project in which almost 3000 children all over Germany as experts shared their opinions, views and evaluation of whether their rights are being respected in their every-day lives. The final report included survey results, many child-led individual projects, drawings and conversations from children in nurseries and was part of the official reporting to the United Nations. (English Report can be found there)

Contact: Jonas Deitert, National Coalition Germany (

The place is called:



