Category: 8-12

Prepare and planCare ExperiencedUnder 88-12Connect with people13-15Identify issues15-18InvestigateRoma or TravellerEuropeanADVICE18-25Take actionFollow up actionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationReview and share

The Reaching In Approach


A briefing note about collaborative commissioning and shared leadership of inclusive, impactful and sustainable participatory processes 

Care SystemCare Experienced8-12EVIDENCE13-1515-18Education18-25Asylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerParticipation for Change

From Voice to Action


What did you do? We promoted assemblies for children and youth in foster homes, addressing their perceptions about the Foster Care System, school, and their emotions. …

Connect with peopleNational8-1213-15ADVICE15-18

Connecting to Changemakers


Advice on how to reach out, connect and invite young people to become changemakers

Care ExperiencedEnglandConnect with peopleLiving in PovertyNational8-1213-15WalesRoma or Traveller15-18ADVICETake actionBetter law or policyInternational18-25Review or inspectionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal Justice

Talking to Stakeholders


How to get your messages across to the people who may be able to help

Under 8Better awareness8-1213-15European15-18Better law or policy18-25Europe

Council of Europe Parliamentary Report on Children’s Participation


How young people helped write a Council of Europe Parliamentary Report

EnglandNational8-1213-15Better communityRoma or Traveller

Travelling Ahead Media and Oral History workshop


What has changed? The young people have started recording and sharing memories that will be captured forever. Preserving history of days gone by. cpipWhat did you …

EnglandConnect with peopleNational8-12Identify issues13-15Roma or Traveller

Travelling Ahead Media and Oral History workshop


What advice would you give? “Oral History” sounds a bit boring but when they explained a bit more about it and that we could use our …

EnglandNational8-1213-15Roma or TravellerEducationEquality

Travelling Ahead Media and Oral History workshop


What did you find out? We discovered a collection of BBC Radio documentaries all about Gypsy & traveller people. They were made in the 1960’s and …

England8-12Better awarenessNational13-15Roma or Traveller

Roads from the Past GRT Animation project


What has changed? So  far the film the young people made has been watched more than 50,000 times in schools, HMPs and wider public. cpipWhat did …

Prepare and planEnglandNational8-1213-15Roma or Traveller

Roads from the Past GRT Animation project


What advice would you give? We know that sometimes young Gypsies and Travellers don’t feel comfortable in school so we thought we should spend some time …